
 Sartirana Album September    2015


 This year’s Sartirana Textile Art Show as always presented an excellent selection of antique oriental carpets and textiles. There were a few new faces, such as Max Lerch from Munich and Nasim Hakemie from Holland, as well as old hands like Bertram Frauenknecht and Tina Tabone. David Sorgato’s exhibition was dedicated to Lao ceremonial textiles, but overall this year there seemed to be great interest on rare and unusual Tibetan and Chinese carpets, mats and saddle covers from among others Farzin Mollaian,; Kami Chanteh showed a very rare large velvet from the Qajar period, Franco dell’Orto from Venice showed a mid-16th century medallion Ushak and very decorative Caucasian carpets. Edoardo Marino focused on fragments Shahsavan and Caucasian carpets. Alberto Boralevi this year displayed a very interesting collection of Romanian aprons and a late 17th century Transylvanian prayer carpet, which was flanked by a superb selection of other prayer rugs from the Moshe Tabibnia collection. The Tea Time Textile Talks were very interesting with the Francesca Fiorentino’s presentation of on Prayer Rugs, and another on The Lao Gift by David Sorgato with Bruno Gentili.  Please see all the gallery on HALI


 13th ICOC in Washington DC is a big successThe 13th International Conference on Oriental Carpets      (ICOC) was held in Washington DC from 6 – 9 August 2015. 

Please have  a look here to see all the sections ICOC XIII


just a little preview… waiting for the next year…


To Facebook users you can see the gallery of the exhibition with a click on the picture.//Clicca sull’immagine per accedere alla galleria dell’ultima fiera espositiva di Sartirana Textiles Show 2013.


Da giovedì 19 settembre a domenica 22 settembre 2013il Sartirana Textile Show e’ una mostra mercato del tappeto e del tessile antico tra le più importanti fiere specializzate di settore al mondo, capace di attirare nella meravigliosa cornice de La Pila mercanti internazionali, collezionisti, appassionati e semplici curiosi. L’obiettivo dell’evento e’ promuovere l’interesse per l’antiquariato tessile inteso anche come oggetto d’arte e testimonianza socio-culturale di valore. Esso e’ un’occasione di convergenza dei piu’ noti espositori ed esperti mondiali, provenienti dall’Italia, dall’Europa e dal Medio Oriente. Le novità di quest’anno riguardano la straordinaria Mostra Collaterale dedicata alle sacche e alle borse tribali e da sella, legate ai costumi popolari di varie parti del mondo. Inoltre, alle ore 17:00 di ogni giorno della Mostra, le attivita’ commerciali verranno interrotte dal Tea Time Textile Talks, chiacchiere informali di approfondimento per tutti gli interessati, esperti e non.

logo Calpesta la Guerra

Please take a look on www.calpestalaguerra.org or click on the logo to see all the exhibition on afghan war rugs/Per tutte le altre mostre, eventi e manifestazioni cliccare su logo Calpesta La Guerra

gentlemen carpets

5/02/09 – 15/02/09


a cura di

Edoardo Marino


24/10/08 – 09/11/08

“KILIM e SUMAK – Tappeti piani

del Centro Asia”

a cura di Edoardo Marino




Tra segni e colori”

a cura di Edoardo Marino